Human Resources

Health Care Benefits

Available Health Care Benefits


UM offers a comprehensive medical insurance plan through Blue Cross/Blue Shield to all active, full-time employees appointed for an academic year or longer. Spouses and unmarried dependent children up to age 26 may also participate when family coverage is selected by the employee. Benefits-eligible temporary/adjunct employees who are not in continuous renewal status may participate only during the months of their active service. Coverage may begin on the first day of the employee’s first full month of employment and terminates on the last day of the month of their termination. Employees’ share of the premium is $100/single contracts and $236/family contracts. The employer/employee cost split for medical insurance is 80%/20%.


  • $35 copay per office visit for primary care physician; $50 copay for specialist
  • $300 inpatient hospital deductible and $150 per day copay beginning with the 2nd through 5th day, per admission
  • Outpatient hospital benefits ($150 co-pay)
  • $500 major medical deductible per calendar year, per person (maximum of 3 deductibles per family)

Covered services:

  • Hospital services
  • Expanded psychiatric services (inpatient/outpatient)
  • Participating chiropractic services
  • Preventive care services, including hospital newborn & well child care, routine immunizations, routine pap smears & mammograms, and prostate-specific antigens

2024 Health Summary Plan Booklet

2024 Health Summary


Dental insurance is through Blue Cross/Blue Shield and is provided at no cost to all employees, their spouses and dependents enrolled in the medical plan. Enrollment is in conjunction with the application for medical coverage. Employees must enroll in the health plan to be eligible for dental coverage. The maximum benefit for each covered person is $1,000 per calendar year.

Diagnostic & Preventive Services:

  • Diagnostic & preventive services are covered at 100% with no deductible.

Basic and Supplemental Services:

  • Fillings, simple tooth extractions, oral surgery, capping, emergency treatment, periodontic services, etc., are payable at 80%, subject to the calendar year deductible of $50.00.

Prosthetic Services:

  • Full or partial dentures, bridges, crowns, etc., are covered at 50%, subject to the calendar year deductible of $50.00.

2024 Dental Summary Plan Booklet

Prescription Drug

Prescription drugs are covered under the Point-of-Sale Plan. No benefits are available for prescriptions purchased at a non-participating pharmacy in Alabama.

Generic covered at 100%, no deductible/no co-pay.

Brand name covered at 80%.

Vision Insurance

UM offers an employee-funded optional coverage vision insurance through VSP. VSP Plan for UM gives employees and their covered family members an affordable vision plan.

Copay:  $20 per exam and $20 for eyeglass lenses and contact lenses.

This plan provides:

  • Annual eye exam
  • Eyeglass lenses every 12 months
  • Frames every 24 months
  • Progressive (no-line bifocal and trifocal) lens covered in full
  • $150 contact allowance (in lieu of eyeglasses)
  • Polycarbonate lens for children covered in full

Visit VSP

University of Montevallo VSP Download


COBRA is a federal law that requires most group health plans to give employees and their families the opportunity to continue their health care coverage when there is a “qualifying event.”

COBRA Information Download

Flexible Spending Accounts

UM provides Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), which is an employee benefits program designed to increase your disposable income by reducing the amount of taxes you pay. This program allows the use of pre-tax dollars to pay for qualified dependent/child care expenses and eligible health care expenses, including dental expenses, which are not reimbursed by the University of Montevallo Health and Dental Plan or any other insurance plan.  You will learn more about this benefit during your New Employee Orientation and may enroll in the program within 30 days of employment or during Open Enrollment for the next plan year.

These accounts are administered though HealthEquity.  When you incur a qualified medical expense, you will be able to pay with the HealthEquity® Visa® Reimbursement Account Card or submit the expense through the HealthEquity online tool for reimbursement. It is important to remember to save all receipts as you will need them for reimbursements and to possibly validate your expenses with HealthEquity.

Flexible Spending Accounts

Health Equity FSA

Grace Period

The grace period provision provides for a delay to the “use it or lose it rule” under traditional FSA plans. The grace period allows for money remaining in a Health FSA at the end of a plan year to carry over to cover eligible expenses incurred through the 15th day of the third month after the plan year ends. This does not eliminate the “use it or lose it rule” completely. Any unused amounts from the prior plan year that are not used to reimburse expenses by the end of the grace period remain subject to the “use it or lose it rule” and must be forfeited.

Flexible Spending Account Enrollment Information and Maximum Annual Contribution

You establish your account(s) by electing an annual amount to be deducted from your paycheck and deposited equally over 12 or 24 pay periods, depending on your monthly or biweekly pay status. You do not pay social security taxes, federal income taxes or state income taxes on either the amount you contribute to an account(s) or the amount reimbursed to you from an account(s). New employees interested in participating in Flexible Spending Accounts must submit a completed enrollment form to Human Resources within 30 days of employment. Current employees must enroll each year during Open Enrollment in November for participation in the following calendar year.

The maximum annual employee salary reduction contribution allowed for the Health Care Flexible Spending is $3,200 with a minimum of $260.

The maximum annual employee salary reduction contribution allowed for the Dependent Care Flexible Spending is $5,000 or $2,500 for married taxpayers filing separate returns.

Healthcare Spending Account – Eligible Expenses

Dependent Care Spending Account

Dependent Care Account  – Eligible Expenses 

If you have questions concerning your Flexible Spending Account, please contact HealthEquity, Inc.

For more information, visit

HealthEquity Member Services: 1-877-288-0719

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